I realize that it has been some time since I've posted here on
Jessica, The Mom. Well, life happens! Sometimes we are just swept up in all that life throws at us that some things have to take the back burner for awhile! The most exciting thing that has happened to me since my last post - I'm pregnant! Yes, baby number three is scheduled to arrive sometime in June. Unfortunately, morning sickness (all day sickness) was much worse and lasted a lot longer with this baby. Doing anything productive was a major chore. I finally started feeling better around Christmas time. Now that the morning sickness has subsided, the headaches have rolled in. Thank goodness for Tylenol!
The rest of the family is doing good. I'm still doing daycare in my home. Still trying to coupon the best I can when I make the time to do it. I had a few good hauls this past weekend. I've been thinking about my blog and how badly it has been neglected over the past several months, and so I felt the need to drop a short note to let my interested readers know that I am still alive and well. I would like to find some time to post more frequently, as I did in the past. I still love to blog and am grateful to those that still visit. If I haven't responded to a comment or inquiry from you, I apologize, as this is the first time I've logged on in quite some time. Keep your comments and inquiries coming. I do love to hear from you!
I have a great post planned that I hope to get up soon. Until then, make each day wonderful and live in the moment! Take care!